Sunday, September 12, 2010

Leaving a Comment on My Blog

A number of people have complained to me that it is abit stressful to leave comments on my blog posts. So am just going to try and make it easier by guiding you through some basic steps. Below a post, you find 'comments', when you click on that, a page like below comes up...

Comment moderation has been enabled. All comments must be approved by the blog author.

No Google Account? Sign up here.
You can also use your Blogger account.
OpenID LiveJournal WordPress TypePad AOL

If you don't have a Google Account and you feel you would like to have one, you can go through the process of opening one and this can get you direct access to leaving comments on a Blogger account. If you don't want to do this, you can just click on 'Name/Url', leave your full name or whichever name you want to use, ignore the'URL' part. Or you can click on anonymous. Note this last two steps doesn't require you having to open a Google account.

So I hope with this I have been able to make it easier, hope to see your comments as time goes on....

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