Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year, New Look, New Style.....

2010 is gone and only to be remembered, this is 2011. It is time to adopt new looks and style if you have had one before and if you don't, it is time develop one. For we ladies, it is time to be head turners (u know what I mean by that).

Last year you walk into a bar, or an event, or even church and heads turn and instead of with admiration, you get looks like: ''Ugh, what was he/she thinking when he/she got dressed?, Did she look into a mirror at all?, she must use one pack of foundation a week if she has that much on her face, and soon''........Don't you think it is time to put a stop to this? Don't you read magazines, watch E! on DSTV?, Don't you want to be fashionable? Let me tell you, it really isn't that hard to look good(and this applies to the guys aswell). It isn't until you get the help of a fashion stylist or makeup artist that you can look your best (ain't trying to run stylist and makeup artsit one of u guys..*winks*).

To look good doesn't need to cost much. You just need to know how to combine and mix where necessary. Am not going to start giving lessons on how to look good now, but I just wanna say that if you put your mind to it, you can achieve it. Its another year, lets endeavour to improve or develop our style and looks cuz the way you are dressed so shall you be addressed.

Much Love .......

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