Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Beyonce Gives Solange 25 Pairs Of Shoes For Her Birthday

Beyonce officially became the greatest sister in the world, reported the New York Post, when she sent her Solange a generous 25th birthday present: one pair of shoes for every year she's been alive.

And "designer" shoes, no less: the Post writes that Beyonce had her assistant call from England, where she is performing at Glastonbury, and order up 25 pairs of heels from Saks Fifth Avenue and Bergdorf Goodman.
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Ok this is a shout out to my lovely sister...my birthday is coming up real soon, so 'pairs of shoes' won't be so bad..(am sure she would say did i as much as buy one pair on her birthday yesterday?). But won't it be so kool to have a sister just like beyonce?...

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