Friday, October 25, 2013

It's the Breast Cancer Awareness Week....Let's go Pink

Hello Ladies,

It's the breast cancer awareness week again, and Tolu Makeovers is joining all other internet users to go pink for October in an effort to raise awareness for breast cancer. This cancer is killing a lot of women out there and most do not even know they need to check themselves or go for a proper screening. So the little I could do on my part is to join in spreading the word about breast cancer.

Tolu Makeovers is glad to give free pink eye makeovers to everyone willing to join in this campaign. So if you are around the Ikeja City Mall during this awareness period, you can holla for your pink makeover in support of the campaign.

So ladies, lets check those boobies before they wreck us.........and spread the word.



  1. Nice one Tee, I'll def be stopping by to get my free pink makeover...

  2. Tell them o.even cervical cancer as well, it is killing women out there.
