Monday, July 26, 2010

Britain's fattest woman dies

Britain's fattest woman has died from a heart attack after her family smuggled takeaways and junk food into her hospital room, it has been revealed.

Junk food addict Sharon Mevsimler, 40, weighed 45 stone and needed an oxygen mask due to the strain her weight put on her heart and lungs.

But witnesses at Broomfield Hospital - where she had been a patient for two months - said relatives brought in fish and chips and family-sized buckets of fried chicken to the mother-of-four.

Mrs Mevsimler, whose husband Bulent gave up his job as a chef to look after her, died at the weekend.

An NHS source told The Sun: 'She obviously had a serious underlying problem with food, but did nothing to help herself.

'Those who came to visit her in hospital did her no favours.

'We saw them bringing in various fatty foods like fish and chips and huge portions of fried chicken when she should not have been eating these things.

'It was infuriating to see her literally eating herself to death.'

The mother-of-four, who was just 5ft tall, had received 24-hour care since 2005 - including a three-month stint in the exclusive £5,000-a-month Priory Clinic paid for by the NHS.

She had begun to comfort eat after suffering severe post-natal depression.

Mrs Mevsimler said earlier this month: 'I have been left to die. If I was anorexic I would get proper help but no one has sympathy for obese people.'

She had been confined to a specially strengthened bed at the hospital in Chelmsford.

The hospital has refused to comment.

Her death comes just months after Britain's biggest man - 70-stone Paul Mason from Ipswich - underwent a gastric by-pass to control his obesity.

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