Monday, July 19, 2010

Few Tips to Eyeshadow Application

  • Primers: Set your eyeshadows with a base, this allows your shadow to pop and stay on for hours.
  • Blending: If you use three different colors, the base usually light, a highlighter for the crease and a main color for the lid, make sure you start light then go darker, don't be too heavy handed or you would have to start over again. Try and blend in the colors into each other as much as possible.
  • Never apply deep color to your browbone unless you are doing a dramatic makeup for a shoot or a runway event. On the browbone use a neutral color.
  • Heavy on the eyes, light on the lips....heavy on the lips, light on the eyes.
  • Experiment with colors before going out...just apply and mix different colors and see how it looks on you, the good thing is , you don't like it, you can always wipe it off.
  • Try and match your eye color to your skin, outfit for the day and function.
  • Brighten your eyes with an eyeliner and mascara.
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For the curious ones...yes thats

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