Sunday, January 8, 2012

Beauty Food You Should Add to Your Diet

You are what you eat. What you eat some times can affect your skin or beauty. if you’re concerned about your skin, you may want to watch the foods you put into your body.

There are plenty of foods that have negative effects on our hair, skin, and nails but there are also other foods that allow these things to flourish. No amount of expensive lotion or vitamins can replace the lasting effects of eating the right foods.

They provide enough vitamin A and are full of fiber, so eating a few tomatoes can assist in the development of skin cells and the maintenance of skin cell health which wouldn't help your skin look scaly.

Oranges are loaded with vitamin C and it gives your skin a plumper look and younger feel to it. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that combats those free radicals that lead to premature aging of the skin. It is also recommended that you grind up the skin from oranges and make yourself a scrub. Not only do the inner contents of oranges do great things, but the skin of one can help provide a glow to your own.

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