Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Nigerian Fuel Subsidy Removal.....For the Laffs

Am not going to say much about the whole fuel subsidy issue, its bad enough that its been imposed on us by the presidency, but alot has been said already, so need rubbing it in. But I like the fact that Nigerians or should I say youths have decided to look on the brighter side by making jokes out of the issue. Some people feel this jokes are insensitive and selfish, but really, why would you want to put more stress on yourself by worrying. We are Nigerians, we are generally termed happy, fun loving people. So for me, I kinda appreciate the jokes cuz I have come to the terms that the God I serve would supply all my needs according to his riches in glory.......so have fun guys and enjoy the funny pictures...


  1. this is really funny...I agree with you Tolu about having a positive mind.

    People have asked why I often laugh or crack jokes about the disturbing events taking place in our nation. The reason is, if you don't laugh it off, you could develop hypertension. Learn to laugh about very disturbing events: “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones” (Prov. 17:22). The joy of the Lord is your strength. As long as you retain your joy, nobody can defeat you. The day you lose your joy, your vision, hope and future may go with it

  2. Really funny pics

  3. well for me, i find the pictures very funny. i like the spirits of Naija pple o, life continues jor.
