Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 in Retrospect

It has been a great year, and I am grateful to God to be alive to see 2012 come to an end. A lot has happened to me this year, I have experienced some happy times, and some not so happy moments.

I remember at the beginning of this year, I was jobless. I had my makeup business alright, but that's just an added income. And depending solely on that was not that easy. But I strongly believed I was going to get a job soon and to God's glory, I did. A good paying job that has been a blessing. The job came with it's own baggage(time consuming), but nothing I couldn't handle, The good thing is, it did not disturb my other passion, which is makeup.

As each month comes and goes, there were times I would be depressed basically cause, there were some things or should I say goals I had set for myself, and I did not see myself achieving any of them or coming close to achieving them. But as the days goes by, my spirit is gingered(best way i can describe it) and I realize that, some people have gone through worst situations and they came out on top, so there is always a brighter side to life, we just need to open up our hearts and mind to see it.

Today is the last day of the year 2012, and looking back, I would say the year has been good. This year, I celebrated one year of marriage and so far so good still waxing strong. I saw a lot of homes crash this year, grateful mine is growing strongly. All I can say is Na God. My families have been wonderful, I have the best in-laws one can ever wish for and all this has made my 2012 really great. I pray my single friends find their own perfect match in the coming year( I need to eat more wedding food next year

My business Tolu Makeovers has been good this year as well. worked with quite a number of talented and great people in the Fashion and photography industry. To name a few- Hakeem Salaami Photography(HSP) ,  Babs Bamiro Photography- , Fotovid studios -, Oluwaseun Raphael Lens(ORL) -, Chinny Designs,  Anuba, Aqwa by Dobi, Swan Beauty to name a few. Am sure if you Google them up you would get their details. I also have worked with a lot of models, brides and am grateful to you all for giving my outfit a chance to work on your faces.

I am also grateful to everyone that has followed, commented and viewed this blog. You have all giving me a reason to keep posting.

As we cross into the new year 2013, I pray everyone finds their most deserved happiness. I pray the year ushers in peace, joy and smiles on all our faces. Remember the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams and do not lose hold of your dreams or aspirations. For if you do, you may still exist but you have ceased to live.

Happy New Year guys.......Love you all

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