Sunday, December 9, 2012

My Product Review

This is a new aspect to my blog. I am going to give my reviews on some beauty products, most especially the ones I have used. I get a lot of people adding my pin and asking my opinion on this or that products, so this segment should be able to help some of you answer those questions. I would also welcome reviews from you guys aswell. So you can send me your product reviews aswell and I'll blog about it. Or you can comment on the ones I post.

Note: This is just my own opinion on how the product fared. It might have had a different reaction to you, so please feel free to share your own opinions. And I might also diversify to other products aswell (I mean, I am not limited to beauty products), so don't be surprised to see me talking about cars or shoes etc....

So for starters, I recently started using a new scrub to exfoliate and I have to say, I like the results I have been getting from this particular product. Am talking of The Body Shop- Shea Body Scrub 

It keeps my skin moist for a long period. and it does not leave my skin greasy after using it. It has a light fragrance, which is very subtle and not overpowering at all. In summary, it's been doing exactly what I want it to do as a scrub.

Please if you have used it, what has your experience been, share.


  1. i think its also a kool product. I don't really exfoliate like that, but one time I did, i used shea body scrub and it felt good. so its an A1 for me

  2. i'll like to hear about neutrogena products...
