Tuesday, January 22, 2013

My Beauty/Skincare Confessions

I realised that a big part of being a beauty blogger involves you trying different products to know which works best, it involves a process of trial and error. This is how we learn what works and what isn't right? It’s basically my job to try out beauty products and tell you how they work. But i av to confess even after awhile in the game, I still miss it. Even though I know better, I still find myself committing all kinds of skincare sins. Here are some of my worst.....lol

I sometimes consider cheap products good: A lot of times, I end up buying some products cuz its very affordable compared to some other products. But where I tend to miss it is that when I use the products I have purchased, the results come out really horrible and I end up regretting why I brought it in the first place.

I don’t wash my personal makeup brushes often enough. I don’t even want to go into detail. It’s just embarrassing and shameful. But new year, new resolution.....*winks*

I don’t always take off my makeup at night. yeah yeah, I know I preach cleansing face at night, but sometimes I just don't do it, I get home really tired and just fall on my bed and sleep off. Don't be like me peeps, cleanse ur face every night.....

Sometimes I really don’t care about my skincare as much as I should. I'm sure I am not the only one, right? If I see a breakout or any discomfort on my skin or face, I freak out and go into skincare overkill mode. But if everything more or less looks alright, I go into relax mode which I know it’s wrong. But it happens or call it laziness. I’m a work in progress and I’m trying to be better to my body’s largest organ.

So who is perfect, cuz am into this line of biz don't make me perfect. We all make mistakes sometimes. But it shouldn't be a habit that's all.

These are a few of my skincare confessions that I am willing to share! What are yours? What skin care resolutions do you need to make for the new year?

1 comment:

  1. really interesting, it just shows no one is perfect ryt even if you are a professional
