Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Designer Dress Made from Rubber Bands

A Bulgarian architect from New York, Margarita Mileva has followed her passion for dress designing by giving her architectural profession a backseat. She had always been interested in fashion designing and recycling and she has merged these two distinctive fields and created an impressive designer dress by using the 18 thousand colored rubber bands. More often than not, rubber bands, a very underrated office stationary ends up in waste bins and the designer has decided to give it a twist and turn it into something fashionable and chic. The dresses made by Mileva look more like works of art than dresses and she has successfully brought forth her passion for going green and designing through the creation of this innovative ‘Rubber Band Dress’.

This garment has been hand made by using a technique in which the rubber bands are twisted and knotted to each other- a little like weaving. It tool Mileva over and above 150 hours to create a single dress which weighs near around ten kilos. The off shoulder dress looks quite easy to wear, but looks are deceptive as it isn’t as easy as it looks to get into the garment. However, the pain is all worth it as you are assured that you would find no one else wearing a similar dress at any event and you would be the show stopper.

This innovative hobby came out of Mileva’s interest in making collages, creating jewelery out of rubber bands and paper clips and knitting and by making a full-fledged outfit, she merely took the step that would bring her passion out in the open. Mileva makes sure that each of her Rubber Band Garments is unique as she uses designs of Maori tattoos to create similar patterns in her garments. For a competition that took place in New Zealand, she even went a step ahead to create matching shoes out of rubber bands to match the garmet. Although Mileva admits to never having worn any of her creations, but she has received great reviews from her models who have donned her creations.

Mileva is now ready to take her passion to the next level by turning it into a full fledged business and is now ready to take orders. Her next project would be to make a wedding dress out of rubber bands. The best thing about her rubber band creations is that they have a certain bounce to them and therefore the dress dances to each move that the wearer makes.

Source: beautyramp

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