Friday, August 30, 2013

Cervical Cancer Awareness......

Hello Everyone,

So I decided to put this post up just to join in the awareness being created on Cervical Cancer. I recently just went for a screening aswell and I am glad I did. I am not much of a medical person, but here is the facts I dug up about this:

  • Breast, cervix, and colorectal cancers are the most commonly diagnosed cancers in women.
  • In 2008, cervical cancer was the third most commonly diagnosed cancer in women worldwide. An estimated 529,800 were diagnosed, with over 85% of those diagnosed in developing countries.
  • Human papillomavrius (HPV) infection is the most common sexually transmitted viral infection and is the causative agent of cervical cancer. Although it is the causative agent, most women who are infected do not develop cancer.
  • Both incidence and deaths from cervical cancer have declined markedly over the last several decades, due to more frequent detection of pre-invasive and cancerous lesions of the cervix from increased Pap screening.
  • The five-year survival rate for early invasive cancer of the cervix is 92 percent. The overall five-year survival rate (for all stages combined) is about 73 percent. For pre-invasive cervical cancer, the five-year survival rate is nearly 100 percent.
  • Worldwide, cervical cancer kills one woman every 2 minutes...(that's a scary fact)
  • In developed countries, the widespread use of cervical screening programs has reduced the incidence of invasive cervical cancer by 50 percent or more.
  • Women who had first sexual intercourse at an early age or who have had many sexual partners, or have partners who have many sexual partners, have a higher-than-average risk of developing cervical cancer. (This is highly important)
So, ladies out there, please go for the screening, it's not painful, it doesn't take long at all, lets not feign ignorance, cuz the awareness is out there already. I have done mine, go do yours......

My TGIF Face.......I Call it Freestyling.......

So lately I get really lazy to do anything major on my face, so most times when I have an outing, I end up just playing around my brows, lashes and lips. But today, I decided to add a little extra. I decided to go through my makeup box and use items I haven't used in quite awhile. 

I stumbled on an L.A.COLORS Jumbo Eye Pencil - White, I have never used this product since I got it and I had no idea how it would turn out on my face. 
Basically, what I did was to line my inner rim with the pencil and further line it under with a Midnight Blue Eyeliner from Avon -G41 glimmersticks and the picture below is what I got..........

Excuse my poor picture quality, I was using my phone to take the pictures.

I think it came out well, what I realized was that my eyes where looking exceptionally brighter.....

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Makeup Inspiration......

Hi Everyone,

I had a shoot awhile ago with Mr Hakeem Salaam of HSP Studios and I decided to share with you all. It was a fun shoot and the model we worked with was exceptionally pleasant and she smiled quite alot making the whole shoot so much fun. I realized after getting married that the traditional attire I wore (Purple Sanya Aso-Oke) was just wasting away in my wardrobe some where, so I decided to uproot it out and use it for this shoot. Unfortunately, the buba could not size her, cuz I was a size 10(back about a size 12 now *coveringface*) and the model is a size 6.

Anyways, enjoy...and you can give your constructive criticisms on what I could have done better.....

 View more lovely pictures after the break.....

Nollywood Actress Uru Eke brands Unveil MakeUp Products

As we welcome the ‘ember months, Unveil MUP partners with Nollywood sweetheart- Uru Eke to present the looks for the season. The last quarter of the year is always known for being exuberant and chirpy. We play with colours and create perfect contours to give the sexiest, chic and fun looks.

Get a 10% discount on every Unveil product you buy this season! Call 07051515170

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Lady With the Longest Dreadlocks

 She is the real life Rapunzel with 55ft long dreadlocks that are longer than a bus.

Despite being warned by doctors that her hair that weighs three stone could paralyse her, Asha Mandela said she will never cut them.

The mother-of-one from Atlanta, Georgia, said: ‘My hair has become part of me. It is my life. I will never cut it.
 View more......

Friday, August 16, 2013

WEEPING CHERRY - A Novel By Kemi Santos-Omanukwue

This is a novel written by a very dear friend of mine. Her name is Kemi Santos-Omanukwue. It's a young adult fantasy novel that depicts God, love, tears, voodoo, hate, revenge, fantasy, romance, sea world, merman, mermaid, war, games, sickness, disease, madness, dreams and faith. Trust me when I say it's a must read especially with the fact that it's coming from a fellow Nigerian. I have to say, we are doing great things in this country despite the political and economical situations. The novel is available on these online bookstores on, and

Excerpt from the book..

When fifteen year old Meredith Hart decided it would be best
to disobey her mother by taking a school trip to Ireland, 
she never imagined what the repercussions were going to be. 
A good grounding would have been foreseeable but nothing that
would mean paying with her life, uncovering her hidden 
family history, delving into the sea world, only a few story books
had told her about.
She confronts her conflicting nightmares and tries to live her life, 
love a Merman and save what she now knows of her family

Read more and know more about the author after the break.....

Thursday, August 8, 2013

All About The Lipstick......

Lipstick is a cosmetic product that is used to apply color and texture to the lips and in some cases, protection to the lips in cases of 'lipgloss'. Lipstick is most exclusively worn by women, but in rare extreme cases, we have men wearing lipstick. 

Alot of us don't even know what a lipstick contains, even I didn't exactly know until recently, so I want to share my little knowledge to you all aswell. So lipsticks contain Oils (it could be Olive oil, Mineral oil, Cocoa Butter or Lanolin), Waxes (which provides the structure for the lipstick), Organic dyes and inorganic dyes which constitutes as the various colors.

So when it comes to applying and useage, most ladies have at least one or two lipsticks that they do not like and will never use. Don’t be too hasty in throwing them away. Sometimes the best colors are achieved when you blend different nuances. Try blending your least favorite lipsticks with other colors and you might just find that you like the result.

If you use pencil lip liner but can hardly ever draw a perfect line, then break the rules. According to traditional makeup rules, the lip liner is applied before the lipstick, but it is easier to trace lips which are already colored. Try it for yourself.

It is a horrible feeling when your new lipstick breaks (and that has happened to me uncountable times). Yet you don’t have to throw it away just yet. Pick up the broken piece with a tissue and put it back in, gently pressing and turning. Then put the lid back on the lipstick and refrigerate it for 30 minutes.

If you want your lipstick to last longer, use pencil lip liner as a base. Trace and fill the lips with lip liner and then proceed to apply lipstick as usual. Remember that lighter lipsticks need a colorless base.

When your lipstick is all used up, there is still a little left that cannot be reached. Use a lipstick brush to take it out of the container and mix it with a little clear lip gloss to make a colorful shine.

Source: makeupsjournals