Monday, June 28, 2010

Exfoliating your dry chapped lips

Some of us might be experiencing what you call dry lips or chapped lips. I use to have this until I knew about exfoliating……(yes it’s not your face alone that needs exfoliating). Exfoliating the lips is quite an easy thing to do and you don’t need more than 2 minutes of your time to do this. First step:
  • Apply a thick layer of Vaseline to your lips.
  • Using a soft toothbrush, simply rub your lips gently in circular motions. The toothbrush would exfoilate and the vaseline would heal and hyderate.
  • If you don't have a toothbrush, mix some sugar or coffee grounds into you Vaseline and gently use your finger to rub in circular motions.
  • If you still don't have a toothbrush (which I very much doubt you won't have one) take your towel, wet it a bit and rub on your lips in circular motions.
  • And if you don't have coffee grounds or sugar, just take your toothbrush wet it a bit and rub on your lips in circular motions.

Simple and easy right?......try it and tell me what you think and what you felt (I mean results)...................

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