Friday, June 18, 2010


After a hard football match encounter that led to the Super Eagles of Nigeria losing to Greece at the ongoing World Cup in South Africa,it has been talks all the way for Sani Kaita, one of the players who got a red card for kicking another player.

Burying his head in shame, the Nigerian player, marched off the field of player dejected.

Nigerian Nigeria online community especially facebook wasted no time in condemning the fist of anger displayed by Kaita on the field of the play.

'A new mental sickness has just been discovered by Neurosurgeons. It is called KAITAISIS. It affects the victim's ability to think right or make right judgement especially when it matters most. Victims often confuse the game of soccer for a karate session. Its impact can be monumental as it can become a crisis to a nation'
'Federal Character + Quota system = Kaita'
'A new word has been added to the Dictionary."KAITA" A man who single handedly hinder the hope of his country for reason best known to him. "Kaita" can be use in place of words like Jeopardy, Hinder, Sabotage, Disrupt, Antagonist, fool etc. Examples are Don't kaita what we have been building for 11 yrs in one day. Don't be a Kaita e.t.c.'

Yes the guy messed up, but I think we should give the guy a break.......his messup isnt as bad as Murtalab (did i spell that that tried to blow up a plane.

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