Monday, October 11, 2010

Forbes Americas's Youngest Billionaires

Net Worth: $1.4 billion
Source: Facebook
Age: 26
America's youngest billionaire is eight days younger than his former Harvard roommate Mark Zuckerberg. Facebook's first chief technology officer, he left in 2008 to start Asana, a software company that allows individuals and small companies to better collaborate. For now, his entire fortune comes from his 6 percent stake in Facebook.

Net Worth: $6.9 billion
Source: Facebook
Age: 26
The Harvard dropout and Facebook CEO was the biggest percentage gainer on this year's Forbes 400 list and the unwitting star of box-office hit "The Social Network." Last month he agreed to donate $100 million to Newark's troubled schools.


Net Worth: $1.15 billion
Source: Facebook
Age: 28
Brazilian-born Saverin co-founded Facebook with Harvard classmate Mark Zuckerberg and for a brief time had a one-third stake. When Zuckerberg quit school to relocate to California, Saverin stayed behind to graduate. A year later Facebook sued him; he countersued. The parties settled with Saverin apparently getting a 5 percent stake and co-founder bio on Facebook's site.

Net Worth: $15 billion
Source: Google
Age: 37
Emigrated from Russia at age 6; his mother was a research scientist at NASA. He met Larry Page in computer science Ph.D. program at Stanford and dropped out in 1998 to start Google. Brin now focuses on raising margins with Instant Search and building new businesses in communications, and he invests in space travel initiatives and Parkinson's research on the side.

Net Worth: $15 billion
Source: Google
Age: 37
The Google co-founder dropped out of his Stanford Ph.D. program in 1998 to start the search engine. Nowadays his personal passions include buying up chunks of residential Palo Alto for a network of houses that use new types of fuel cells, geothermal energy and rainwater capture. He also rides a Zero X electric dirt bike and an electric sports car from Tesla Motors, in which he and Sergey Brin are investors. Page is a board member of the X Prize Foundation, a nonprofit looking for breakthroughs in genomics, energy and space exploration.
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Am just imagining having 100 million ...not even billion o, damn thats a lot of money would you do with that sort of cash if you had it??

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