Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Men vs beauty products

Beauty has always been associated only with women. But, now the men are also beginning to pay attention to how they look and more and more products are being designed for them.....Yes, we are talking about the beauty industry with "Men included".

The men now want to look and feel their best. They keep themselves updated with latest trends by glancing through various fashion magazines, watching fashion television channels and even fashion talks within their friend circles. The thought that talking about "beauty products" is "girlie", does not hold true today. According to the industry experts, the next "in" and the most profitable segment in the beauty product industry is "Men's beauty products". and this has nothing to do with being gay or having female tendencies (no offence to gays)

And why not? If men spend money for buying a good cologne or denim, they can definitely spend money on something that makes them look handsome as well. Just like they go to the gym to keep their body fit and maintain its shape, they can take care of their skin and face too, provided that products are available to them. With growing availability of "the customized solutions”, men stay no behind in using them.

Thinking of where the beauty product industry for men is heading and what kinds of product are men expecting in future? It has been speculated that with changing times, men also yearn to look young forever. This implies a huge potential for anti ageing creams for men to creep in. They would definitely sell like hot cakes. Adding to this, guys seem to have a lot of problems regarding acne during their adolescence and hence, some products to drive away this problem is also a must. Hope the beauty industry is hearing this!

So guys out there, its not for the ladies alone to look good, you also have the opportunity to aswell. And dont you just find this 3 guys so cute?.....I do....lol

Cued: Beautyramp

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