Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Kim Kardashian buys the rights to 'organic botox'

Credit - Google images
Kim Kardashian has purchased the licensing rights in America for Biotulin, an organic botox gel – in a reported million dollar deal.

The reality TV star, who has admitted to using botox injections in the past, lashed out at claims earlier this year when rumours emerged that she was using injectable botox, an synthetic muscle-freezing toxin, during her second pregnancy. She took to Instagram to say “No, I won’t have any Botox injections during my pregnancy, just like the tabloids are claiming. You would have to be really sick to endanger your child like that.

“Anyone who has been pregnant or gained weight knows your face totally changes! My nose gets bigger, cheeks fuller and my lips swell up.”

It’s reported that Kardashian is a fan of the organic botox gel. The transparent gel – which is applied topically – claims to smooth wrinkles within an hour. Although the immediate smoothing effects only last up to day, the wrinkle-reducing effects are claimed to be cumulative, smoothing the skin with continued use.

The main ingredient in Biotulin is spilanthol, a local anaesthetic obtained from the extract of the plant acmella oleracea. It reduces muscle contractions and relaxes facial features – and is apparently also used by Michelle Obama, Kate Middleton and Carla Bruni.


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